Confession #6

I travel a lot for work. I live out in the country, which means that I’m driving a ton. I grew up this way, so it’s no big deal for me. 

I’ve learned that it’s important to have a car that’s reliable, but not super expensive, because I’m going to be destroying it’s value by putting a ton of miles on it. 

So, this confession starts out with my last car, which was a step up from my previous truck. This new-to-me Ford Escape was enough to get me from A to B, no frills, nothing fancy, and was large enough to hold all my stuff for work. 

I keep everything in my car at all times (so now you can say you know someone that travels daily with a kitchenaid mixer in their trunk). I do this because once I was out of town and got a call for a last-minute job and I didn’t have part of my kit with me, so I had to travel back home, get the things I needed, and drive all the way back. It sucked. So now I’ve opted to look like a crazy hoarder and keep everything in my car. 


While this is my current car, it’s way bigger and more organized, you get the general idea… I always travel with my mixers.

And this is where things get interesting... One morning I had a job about an hour and half away. I had all my usual kit stuff that makes me look like a serial killer in the car, plus all the food, and props for the shoot. My car was so packed I couldn’t see out the back. 

That morning it was cooler out than I realized, so I happened to find a sweatshirt that was in my car. It was rather ratty, but it did the trick since I wasn’t planning on wearing it to the shoot... just in the car as my heat was acting up. 

So I’m driving along and it’s allergy season, and I start sneezing a little bit and rub my eyes. Big mistake! That morning I had used some new face lotion that has SPF in it, and it got in my eye. 

Now I’m blinded in one eye, driving down the road. It gets so bad that I have to pull over at a rest stop and crazy-person-style blink it out. 

I’m sitting in this rest area with tears streaming down my face because of this stupid sunblock in my eyes and this couple walks by giving me a very strange look. They come by again and ask if I’m alright, and I tell them I’m fine, thank you. 

I couldn’t figure out for the life of me why these people are so concerned about me. Then the puzzle pieces come together… 

I’m crying sunblock tears, wearing a really ratty shirt, and I have stuff packed to the roof in my car. They thought I was living out my car! 

Confession: In this line of work, things are not always as they seem.

ConfessionDiana Jeffra